Friday, 30 May 2014

Internet of sms

Cust: I finish all my money! WHY???
Me: You see you went over your free bundle of internet..
Cust: But i have so many sms left! can't they use them to go in internet?
Me: Did you ever try download facebook over sms?

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cust: But why do i need to pay for phone call instead of spending the money on beer?
Me: Because you want to call your friends to drink a beer together!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Is rude to pay!

Cust: I find the company X really rude!
Me: Why?
Cust: It's 2 months my bill went unpaid and they keep calling me about it!
Me (thinking it): while you not paying is very polite..

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

i want more and pay less!

Cust: I don't want to argue with you, but why do you make a plan with unlimited minutes cost more then one with 200?

Saturday, 24 May 2014


Cust: Why do i keep seeing these black bars on my pictures side?
Me: Because you took a square picture and your screen is  rectangular
Cust: But last month it didn't happen before the upgrade!
Me: I'm sorry but unless you upgrade geometry this problem will never go away!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

The magic password

Cust: How do i use my password?
Me: Password of which website?
Cust: How could i know that?

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

10€ coffe

Talking about a bad offer from a competitor

Me: What would you say if i offer you a coffee for 10€ but i include another one for free?
Cust (Serius): It's a very good offer!

I'm speechless..

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

After 2 month and 4 phone calls a customer finally arrive to fix a problem.

Me: Ok Madam everything should be fixed in 2-3 days
Cust: Ah all this waiting is unbearable, how lazy are you?

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Keep complaining

Sometime they just keep throwing problem at you just to make you busy..
Cust: Phone is not working!
Me: Can you show me?
Cust: See? when i try to enable internet the phone freeze!
Me: Well i enable it now and it keep working..
Cust: Yes but internet isn't working!
Me: See? Google is opening without problem..
Cust: But my friends can't call me!
Me: I'm trying to call you now and it's working..
Cust: But then why aren't they calling me?

Friday, 9 May 2014

All the girl are the same

During a phone call with a call center
Cust (Talking with the girl): But YOU told me that!
Me: Sir she is not the same girl!
Cust: But she is a girl!
Me: No doubt but not THAT girl.
Cust: But they are all the same!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Spend twice pay once!

Cust: Why do i pay the bill of my father?
Me: That's strange, may i see the bill?
He show me the bill of his Father and the list of payment from her bank account.
Cust: Here! See? This bill is 61,5€ and here it's 62€ on my bank account!
Me: Yes sir but the fact that you paid 62€ to the SUPERMARKET in the same date DID NOT mean you paid the bill of your father phone EVEN if the amount are close (Not that it matter how close they are)
Cust: No no this is the same value! it means is the same payment! You are just trying to make me pay twice! you are just useless! (And go away upset)

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Over the TOP!

Cust: My phone is defective! The Volume is blocked!
Me: Why?
Cust: You see it go 8/10 -> 9/10 -> 10/10 and then it stop!
Me: Is normal that's the maximum
Cust: But i want more!!

Too Good to be true... till you check!

Cust: I come here to complain because last year you told me i was going to pay 25€ each month for this, but when i call they told me it was 20€!
Me: Well i stand corrected, what i offer was officially at that price but if they promise you less i'm happy for you!
Cust: But it was un professional for you to not tell me they would offer me less!
Me: Well but are you sure that you are paying 20€?
Cust: Of Course!
Me: Can you show me a bill?
Cust: I never check bills!
Me: Lucky we can check with your phone!
Check on his phone
Me: See? They are making you pay 25€ Exactly as i told you!
Cust: But they promise me 20€!
Me: Well since i was unprofessional, feel free to call that professional that help you last time!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Is never too late

Cust: It's impossible! I asked you to recharge 40€ and it's already finished! How is that even possible??? (With pretty upset voice)
Me: Strange.. but when did you put the money in?
Cust: In September! (It's 6 of may today)

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Egypt is Italy

Cust: Why is this bill so high?
Me: Well it say you have been in Egypt Madam
Cust: But i don't need a passport to go there! I used my ID card!
Me: That don't made it the same country!

Friday, 2 May 2014